James Soh

I’m the founder of Renopedia, Singapore’s number one online renovation portal. From large interior design firms to small companies, I help take their digital advertising campaigns to the next level. My goal is to help companies transform their digital media presence, ensuring that no business, big or small, gets left behind.
My parents are from Malaysia. They brought me to Singapore when I was 5 years old. We had nothing. We lived together in one room when we first arrived, and I only received a proper education because of their sacrifices.
At 19, I quit university to join a multi-level company.
At 22, I was in $50,000 worth of debt.
At 25, I was out of work, desperate and virtually bankrupt.
At the point of no return, I accepted a job with a publishing firm selling magazine advertisements.
That’s when things started to turn around. I became the top sales executive at the company for three consecutive years.
After I left the company, I founded Renopedia, Singapore’s number one online renovation portal.
Last year, I made $3m in revenue.
Today, I oversee the newest, youngest and fastest-growing online renovation media company in Singapore.
I work with businesses of all shapes and sizes. From large interior design firms to small companies, I help them take their digital advertising campaigns to the next level.
My goal is to help companies thrive in the 21st century marketplace, ensuring that no business, big or small, gets left behind.