Ir Aziz Ismail
The CEO is Hj.Ir. Aziz Ismail has a strong experience in enterprise management and industrial automation technology. He is involved in a full range of enterprise management applications and industrial automation technology in his more than 30 years working experience. Ir.Aziz Ismail is very active member of ICT economic cluster in Malaysia. As the Founder member for TechnopreneurAsia, (Past) President of TeAM ( Technopreneur Association of Malaysia) and Vice President II NEF ( Bumiputera ICT Entrepreneur Association) he is deeply involved in many strategies, activities and issues related to the industry. He is also a Director of Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Melayu, an umbrella organistion of 47 national NGOs with 500,000 entrepreneur members. He is a speaker in many ICT events under MDEC, TeAM, NEF, MPC, MATRADE and many NGOs and universities.
(30/3/2020) Monday
Work from home efficiently: Cloud ERP technology with automation
Ir Aziz Ismail, CEO, Authentic Venture
How we can work from home efficiently using ERP and how it can help us increase efficiency and productivity.